Sinking Ships
Failing arms turn to lifeless limbs
What people will do for a taste of sin
Water weighing me down unable to make a sound
Seems like the enatible has been found
Death is approaching with every second
I hope this crash is a learning lesson
Air is of no use here
Oh Reuel my love please don't shed a tear
My heart is now like still drum
Unable to beat my time has come
I am grasped by a hand is this god?
It was the plan of a man that wanted to be god
Coughing up fluids that possessed my body
It is as if the ghost had sought me
One less body than when we came
Molly’s spirit was never the same
Her justice unserved
Her cries unheard
She was expected to save the life of because no one would save hers
Caught in the cross wire of her lovers smize
Who knew his mistakes would be her demise
How convenient that there is help for me
Where were these hands when my friend was drowning
The culprit is now to sick to move
As if he didn't have the strength to prove
That he alone caused this trouble
I think this water has me seeing double
How could I have ended up in this mess
I never meant to cause Reuel so much stress
Who would help someone commit such a crime
She must have had needed payment for her time
As he lays on the shore look hopeless
I am trying to learn a way to cope with this
Frustration, pain, nausea and weakness
If only the truth could be my witness
A white man with accounts that with be believe
If this lady wasn't watching I would surely leave
Planks of wood slowing absorbing water
With sinking ships why do I bother.
The information on this page completed by Ivaria Riden

A Plea for Help
If I should die before I wake
Who is responsible for putting my in this place.
Will I ever be in control of what used to be my body
I am only here because some sought me.
I walk the streets alone longing for my husband
I guess this man here must be a god send
He is not Reuel but goes by Livingston
He seems to always be there when i am about fall
Barely able to hear molly’s call
It is as if he is dedicated to my well being
So sad that his love’s death was not foreseen
This Aubrey man sure is close
Is he waiting for me to go comatose?
He may be the reason that I have witnessed this ghost
She moves with the greatest precision
Making sure to be seen by only one's vision
Her warning I must head for in the end I am her seed.
How do I stop what I can't control
For it seems that the truth is untold.
So what has become of the husband
I hope his arrival will save me from this wick man