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Dear Reuel,

This letter may come as a shock to you but you need to know. Please prepare yourself to be hurt, confused, and angry. Reuel there is something important that I have to tell you. But first and foremost we can no longer be together. I know this may come as a shock to you but please allow me to explain and I promise that you will feel the same way. First of all know that this is not because I do not love you and is not because you went to Ethiopia. I do love you and I wanted you to have the opportunity to find yourself in Ethiopia, and this will definitely answer those questions you had regarding your true identity. But I can no longer love you as my partner. I have to learn to love you as my brother. Yes, you read that correctly. Our aunt told me the truth about what our relationship is and where we actually came from. Not just us either, Aubrey Livingston as well. He is our brother too. We are all siblings. I am sure you are just as shocked as I was and have so many questions. I am sorry for springing this on you but I felt that you should know. I want you to be able to live your life and not spend it loving someone you definitely should not and cannot. I am going to try and answer some of the questions you may have. We are all siblings born out of this oppressive nation we grew up in. Our mother, bless her heart, was mistreated by her owner and forced into what she did not want. Aubrey was taken and shown as her owners son because of his appearance of being white, but was indeed her own and our brother. Our mother was raped and me you and Aubrey are the result of it. Our father owned our mother. Mother must have brought us together through fate in order for us to find out the truth. I wish we could have known before so that you did not fall in love with me. I do not know why our aunt waited so long to tell us. This is something that I am going to struggle with for the rest of my life and I am sure you will too. Aubrey does not know and I am not sure if I am going to tell him. You can do with this information what you want. I am so sorry that this happened. And I hate these awful white people for doing this to us. I know it is going to be hard but I am asking you to no longer love me in the way that you do. I do not know what it is going to be like when you return from Ethiopia but just know that it is going to need to be different. Brother Reuel, you are my brother, it is something I will never get used to saying. I am sorry but you needed to know.

Your sister, I guess,


The information on this page completed by Jessica Smith


This letter is written from a different perspective than in the novel, that Dianthe would have told Reuel the truth about their real relationship.

This Website is an ENG 230 Final Project for The University of Kentucky

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